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时间: 玉莲2 吉他基础知识



  多年以前是一首爱尔兰民歌,原名为《Long, Long Ago》。这首歌曲是英国歌曲作家、剧作家托马斯·黑恩·贝理(Thomas Haynes Bayly, 1797-1839)于1833年创作的。他创作的其它歌曲还包括《Gaily the Troubadour》。这首歌曲在十年后才发表,当时贝理已经去世。当一家费城杂志的编辑Rufus Griswold在1843年出版一个贝理的诗歌和歌曲选集的时候,这首歌曲第一次与世人见面。贝理本来给这首曲子命名《The Long Ago》,是Griswold将其改为《Long, Long Ago》。这首歌曲立即流行,并成为1843年全美最流行的歌曲。


  tell me the tales

  that to me were so dear,

  long, long ago,

  long, long ago;

  sing me the songs

  i delighted to hear,

  long, long ago,

  long ago.

  now you have come,

  all my grief is removed,

  let me forget

  just as long as i do,

  let me believe

  that you always be here,

  long, long ago,

  long ago.

  do you remember

  the path where we met,

  long, long ago,

  long, long ago?

  that's when you told me

  you would not forget,

  long, long ago,

  long ago.

  then, to all others

  my smile you preferred,

  love, when you spoke,

  gave a charm to each word,

  still my heart treasures

  the praises i heard,

  long, long ago,

  long ago.

  now you have come,

  all my grief is removed,

  let me forget

  just as long as i could,

  let me believe

  that you always be here,

  long, long ago long ago.

