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stay with me吉他弹唱

时间: 玉莲2 吉他弹唱歌

  《Stay with Me》歌词和曲谱由詹姆斯·纳皮尔、威廉·菲利普斯谱写,是英国男歌手萨姆·史密斯演唱的一首“R&B灵魂乐”歌曲 。下面是学习啦小编给大家整理的stay with me吉他弹唱知识,供大家参阅!

  stay with me吉他弹唱谱

  stay with me吉他弹唱:创作背景

  《Stay with Me》写于英国伦敦老街的一处工作室内,在编创旋律的过程中,吉米·纳布斯、威廉·菲利普斯自由发挥创作,并使用钢琴和鼓乐器构思歌曲和弦,《Stay with Me》的写作过程花了30到40分钟。创作完成后,萨姆·史密斯开始在工作室内采用不同的声音来试唱歌曲小样。事后,萨姆·史密斯意外发现自己录唱的这首歌曲小样听起来就像是福音合唱团的声音。但是,他还是决定选择将这个演示样品用作歌曲发行 。此外,萨姆·史密斯也在歌词中反映了他搬到伦敦之后的孤独感 。

  stay with me吉他弹唱:歌曲歌词

  Guess it's true

  I'm not good at a one night stand

  But I still need love 'cause I'm just man

  These nights never seem to go to plan

  I don't want you to leave

  Will you hold my hand

  Oh, won't you stay with me

  'Cause you're all I need

  This ain't love, it's clear to see

  But darling, stay with me

  Why am I so emotional?!

  No it's not a good look, gain some self control

  Deep down I know this never works?

  But you could lay with me

  So it doesn't hurt

  Oh, won't you stay with me

  'Cause you're all I need

  This ain't love, it's clear to see

  But darling, stay with me

  Oooh oh ooh oooh ooooh oh

  Oooh oh ooh oooh ooooh oh

  Oh, won't you stay with me

  'Cause you're all I need

  This ain't love, it's clear to see

  But darling, stay with me

  Oh, wont you stay with me

  Cause you're all I need

  This ain't love its clear to see

  But darling

  Stay with me

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