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let her go吉他弹唱谱

时间: 玉莲2 吉他弹唱歌

  let her go吉他弹唱谱

  cap7 F G Am G F G Am (x2)

  G F C

  Well you only need the light when its burning low

  G AM

  Only miss the sun when it starts to snow

  F C G

  Only know you love her when you let her go

  F C

  Only know you’ve been high when you’re feeling low

  G AM

  Only hate the road when you’re missing home

  F C G

  Only know you love her when you let her go


  And you let her go

  AM F7M

  Staring at the bottom of your glass

  G EM

  Hoping one day you’ll make a dream last

  AM F7M G G4 G

  But dreams come slow and they go so fast

  AM F7M

  You see her when you close your eyes

  G EM

  Maybe one day you’ll understand why

  AM F7M G G4 G

  Everything you touch surely dies

  F7M C

  But you only need the light when its burning low

  G AM

  Only miss the sun when it starts to snow

  F7M C G G4 G

  Only know you love her when you let her go

  F7M C

  Only know you’ve been high when you’re feeling low

  G AM

  Only hate the road when you’re missing home

  F7M C G G4 G

  Only know you love her when you let her go

  AM F7M

  Staring at the ceiling in the dark

  G EM

  Same old empty feeling in your heart

  AM F7M G G4 G

  Cos love comes slow and it goes so fast

  AM F7M

  Well you see her when you fall asleep

  G EM

  But never to touch and never to keep

  AM F7M G G4 G

  Cos you loved her too much and you dived too deep

  F7M C

  Well you only need the light when its burning low

  G AM

  Only miss the sun when it starts to snow

  F7M C G G4 G

  Only know you love her when you let her go

  F7M C

  Only know you’ve been high when you’re feeling low

  G AM

  Only hate the road when you’re missing home

  F7M C G G4 G

  Only know you love her when you let her go

  AM F7M G G4 G

  And you let her go Ooo.. Ooo…

  And you let her go

  Well you let her go

  吉他可弹唱曲let her go背景

  《Let Her Go》是英国民谣创作歌手Passenger的作品,本曲由Mike Rosenberg和Chris Vallejo共同创作而成,录制工作在悉尼的Sydney's Linear Recording工作室完成,参与录制的有澳洲的音乐家Stu Larsen, Georgia Mooney, Stu Hunter, Cameron Undy, Glenn Wilson等。单曲在2012年7月发行,是Passenger第三张专辑《All The Little Lights》的第二首发单曲。

  吉他可弹唱曲let her go歌手

  Passenger,是一支以英伦风为主,夹杂电子和民谣的多风格乐队 。

  Passenger乐队风格以英伦风为主,夹杂电子和民谣风格,传达着略带悲情的英格兰风情,风格有些类似Coldplay和Snow Patrol,成立于英格兰Brighton。Mike与Andrew在2003年五月创建passenger乐队,于他们相见的第二年。

  主要成员是主唱兼词作者Mike Rosenberg、以及作曲者Andrew Phillips。并非象很多乐队一样,让你难以辨别他的国籍,透过Passenger的首张专辑《Wicked man’s rest》我们便可以很容易的看出来他们来自英国。不仅仅通过英格兰曲风格,主要通过Mike Rosenberg个人极具英式的富有幽默的歌词中体现出来。Mike Rosenberg本人很关注非本土艺术的发展,他是听着Bob Dylan(美), Neil Young(加) and Van Morrison(爱尔兰)的歌曲长大的。

  由于Andrew Phillips的离队,乐队也随之在2009年正式解散. 解散后Mike Rosenberg继续以Passenger的名字进行个人活动.并于2012年发行了新专辑《All The Little Lights》,其中《 Let Her Go》大获欢迎。


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